Quality Inn at General Lee's Headquarters

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Ghosts Moving Things Again

Saturday, January 17, 2009, 5:14 p.m.

I went into the breakfast room to re-stock the breakfast supplies for the next morning.  I always push all the chairs in tight against the tables as I have a habit of hitting them in the dark while walking through the room to get my middle-of-the-night coffee.

I had accomplished this task and had my back to the tables for about two minutes as I re-stocked supplies before returning to the lobby.  It was then that I saw one of the chairs had been pulled way out from one of the tables. 

I questioned my co-worker, Barb, who was at the front desk in the lobby.  She had been reading the newspaper and didn't hear or see anything or anyone come into the lobby.  I pushed the chair back into position and went about my business.  No more chairs were moved this night.

6:19 p.m. - I had to step out the side, private lobby entrance to attend to some business.  When I returned, I was angry and shut the door hard and locked it.  I walked four feet from the door to the computer terminal to run a report.  Five minutes later, I heard a noise on my right, turned and watched the door opening.

I walked over to the door, saw it was still locked, checked to see if there was any wind, but it was quiet and still outside.  I asked Barb if she saw what had just happened and her reply was, "Yes, but the door is locked.  How did they do that?"

If I have learned anything while working here, it is that our civil war spirit soldiers are capable of all kinds of incredible feats.  Well, if they wanted to make me laugh to dispel my anger, it worked!

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