Quality Inn at General Lee's Headquarters

Friday, January 20, 2012

Phantom Hands Move Object

Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 6:45 a.m.

The following was relayed to me by Courtney, my co-worker and fellow night auditor:

At the time of writing this diary entry, the hotel was getting ready for a new reservation system.  The computers and other necessary equipment related to this were in boxes approximately four feet by four feet and were stacked neatly upon each other.  They were placed next to a wall in the manager's office.

When Courtney had arrived that afternoon, she had placed her purse on top of the stack of boxes.  She positioned it in an upright position leaning against the wall.  Almost three hours later, Courtney was sitting at the manager's desk working on a crossword puzzle when she heard a noise coming from her left (the direction of the boxes).

Courtney looked over just in time to see her purse being "pushed" across the top of the four foot box to the edge and onto the floor.  She stated that it never tipped over during the entire movement but, actually, stayed in the upright position as it was moved.  Courtney told me that she said out loud:  "Hello!  I guess you didn't like my purse there."  She then placed her purse upright on the floor. 

Just to prove that the box was level and not tilted in anyway, Courtney put some lightweight newspapers on top of the same stack of boxes.  The papers remained in the same place all night long. 

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